Saturday, July 07, 2007


I have completed 3 ATCs for the Bird Swap. I am undecided as yet if I shall send a mixed bunch or a series. As this is a Hosted Swap, and the hostess will redistribute the cards, it won't really matter if I send 3 similar. If this is my decision, it will probably be a series of Lovebirds, as this will be easy to reproduce. The hearts are punched from magazine pages, and the body and tail shape will probably turn out different each time. I must thank shisomama for the inspiration.

"Paddling Furiously" I shan't be able to reproduce, as I only have one duck sticker. The background is watercolour. I paint onto 3½" wide strips of watercolour paper, and then cut them into pieces. This is the last of my stash, so I must think about doing some more.

"Totem Bird" was inspired by Barbara Hanselman's "The Birds and the Beads", although hers are 3 dimensional, and large outside objects. This is a collage of bits cut from my closely guarded stash of Sunday supplements, brought out by 0j0. Seeing it here, rather than in the flesh, I can see it needs some shadow paintwork to give it depth. I'll leave that for tomorrow. The heat from the computer fan is building up, and I really need to move the desk in order to open the French window and let the wind blow through. I haven't done it yet because of the unsettled weather we have had lately. A sudden rainstorm means a dash to move the desk again to keep the rain out, and that is a major undertaking. How I wish this room had sliding doors instead of hinged doors that open inwards!

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:33 pm

    Hi Totty,
    I know you saw the bird totems on my blogspot but they are by a good friend and fellow clay artist by the name of Karen Sacks... I love how they inspired you to new heights - keep it up!


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